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BBC Has 'Evidence' Of Syrian Chemical Weapons, But There's One Major Problem

BBC Has 'Evidence' Of Syrian Chemical Weapons, But There's One Major Problem

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

The BBC reportedly has exclusive proof that the Syrian government is continuing to produce chemical weapons in violation of a deal reached in 2013. Pursuant to that deal, the Syrian government was supposed to remove its entire stockpile, which the U.N. said had already been achieved in 2014.

Top NSA Whistleblower: Ransomware Hack Caused by “Swindle of the Taxpayers” by Intelligence Agencies

What should we make of the global ransomware attacks which happened today?

We’ve documented that the intelligence services intentionally create digital vulnerabilities, then intentionally leave them open … leaving us exposed and insecure.

Washington’s Blog asked the highest level NSA whistleblower ever* – Bill Binney – what he thinks of the attacks.

Binney told us:

This is what I called short sighted finite thinking on the part of the Intelligence Community managers.


The Digital Revolution Is A Catastrophe

The Digital Revolution Is A Catastrophe

Why did the US National Security Agency develop a hacking tool to install malware? Why is the US Security agency so incompetent that it could not prevent itself from being hacked and the tool stolen and used against 12 countries?

The digital revolution is proving to be a nightmare. The digital revolution has destroyed privacy and has made all information and all persons insecure.
