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Israeli PM Netanyahu Slams CNN, NYT: "Ever Wonder What Fake News Is?"

Israeli PM Netanyahu Slams CNN, NYT: "Ever Wonder What Fake News Is?"

Clearly upset with reporting by CNN and The New York Times, about a new political document from the Palestinian group Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoed President Trump in a social media posting on Sunday... “Ever wonder what fake news is?” Netanyahu asked...

As The Hill reports, Netanyahu rages...

“Last week, headlines in CNN, Al Jazeera and The Guardian said Hamas now accepts a Palestinian state along the 1967 lines. The New York Times headline called this ‘moderation.’”


Iran Threatens To Destroy Saudi Arabia After Saudi Prince Warns Of "Moving Battle To Iran"

An unexpected war of words erupted between two sworn Middle-Eastern rivals over the weekend, when Saudi Arabia and Iran threatened each other with military action, if not outright destruction.

It started on Tuesday, when in "unusually blunt comments" delivered during a nationally-televised interview Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman - the man who is now effectively in charge of Saudi oil policy - ruled out any dialogue with Iran and pledged to protect his conservative kingdom from what he called "Tehran's efforts to dominate the Muslim world."

The Inflection Point: Venezuela's Military Begins To Defect, March With Protesters

One month ago, when discussing the latest "explosive" turn in Venezuela's political situation, we predicted that the worst case for president Nicolas Maduro who has so far managed to keep the army on his side even as Venezuela faces now daily violent and in some cases deadly protests, would be the start of the local army turning on the regime, and defecting to join the protesters.

Shocking Footage: Venezuelan National Guard Truck Drives Through Crowd Of 'Dissidents'

Shocking Footage: Venezuelan National Guard Truck Drives Through Crowd Of 'Dissidents'

Authored by Daniel Lang via,

For several weeks Venezuela has been rocked with protests and riots as the Maduro regime increasingly tightens its grip on the population. It seems as if security forces are brutally cracking down on dissidents on a daily basis now. Wednesday in particular, saw some incredibly tense clashes between protesters and government forces in the capital city of Caracas. According to Bloomberg:
