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North Korea Furious After US Deploys Tactical Bombers; Warns Of "Total Nuclear War"

Another day, another jawboning escalation out of North Korea, which on Tuesday accused the US of pushing the Korean peninsula "to the brink of nuclear war" after two strategic U.S. bombers flew training drills with the South Korean and Japanese air forces in another show of strength. As Reuters reports, the two supersonic B-1B Lancer bombers were deployed amid rising tensions over North Korea's pursuit of its nuclear and missile programs.

This Is The Worst Year For North Korean Missile Test Success In 33 Years

This Is The Worst Year For North Korean Missile Test Success In 33 Years

As tensions between the United States and North Korea continue to grow, President Trump has warned "major, major conflict" between the two countries is possible. He added that he would prefer to solve the situation through diplomacy before praising Chinese President Xi Jinping, calling him "a very good man" who loves his country. The outbreak of hostilities could prove devastating for the South Korean capital, Seoul, which is targeted by thousands of artillery pieces dug in just over the border.

State Department Warns European Travelers Of "Continued Threat Of Terrorist Attacks"

In case you were starting to lose your fearmongered concerns, The US State Department has come to the rescue with a travel alert for visitors to Europe warning of "the continued threat of terrorist attacks."

Travel Alert - Europe


May 1, 2017


The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the continued threat of terrorist attacks throughout Europe. This Travel Alert expires on September 1, 2017.


Maduro Hands Out Free Homes, Hikes Minimum Wages To Counter Angry Protest Wave

Maduro Hands Out Free Homes, Hikes Minimum Wages To Counter Angry Protest Wave

Days after Venezuela was rocked by the worst riots in over a year, with nearly 30 people dying in April from violence related to protests demanding the departure of Maduro who has again been accused of violating democratic norms, Maduro responded by hiking salaries and handing out free homes as he tries to counter a strengthening protest movement calling for his removal.

Korea Times: "China Bracing For Emergency Situation Involving North Korea"

With the North Korean situation tense after Friday's latest failed missile attempt, the South Korea's Korea Times reports that a Chinese town near the border with North Korea is "urgently" recruiting Korean-Chinese interpreters, "stirring speculation that China is bracing for an emergency situation involving its nuclear-armed neighbor."
