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US Cranking War Back Up in Somalia

President Joe Biden is cranking back up the US government’s war in Somalia. Previously, President Donald Trump brought some reprieve in US military action in the African nation. But, intervention reducing developments in US foreign policy tend to face much pressure to end. In a Monday article at the New York Times, Charlie Savage and Eric Schmitt relate some of the new developments in US military action in Somalia. The article begins with the following reporting of key developments:

Travesty: UK Judge Green-Lights Assange Extradition To US

In a blow to press freedom and decency, a UK judge has today approved Julian Assange's extradition to the US to face espionage charges for his role in exposing US war crimes in Iraq and elsewhere. Also today: Biden wants to send ANOTHER $800 million in weapons to Ukraine! Also: Pentagon admits there is no way to track weapons once delivered to Ukraine - is Europe about to face a major terrorist threat due to this negligence? Watch the Liberty Report:

Why Does It Seem Biden Is Prolonging The Ukraine War?

As Ted Carpenter writes on, it sure seems like the Biden Administration is doing all it can to prolong the war in Ukraine. Sending weapons that have little chance of making a big difference in the outcome only keeps the fighting and killing going strong, and the Administration has shown no interest in pushing a quick diplomatic end to the war. On the contrary, Biden openly calling for regime change and a war crimes trial makes diplomacy nearly impossible. Why prolong the fighting?
