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The Geopolitics Of Nuclear Weapons Explained (In 3 Simple Maps)

The Geopolitics Of Nuclear Weapons Explained (In 3 Simple Maps)

Authored by George Friedman, Xander Snyder, and Chyenne Ligon via,

Nuclear bombs have a strange quality: They are a type of weapon that countries spend enormous sums of money to develop but don’t actually intend to use. While chemical weapons have been frequently used in war, no country has detonated a nuclear bomb since the end of World War II.

US Sanctions 271 Syrians, Freezes Their US Assets

Two weeks after launching missile strikes on Syria, the U.S. Treasury announced it has sanctioned 271 employees of Syria's Scientific Studies and Research Center in response to the alleged sarin attack conducted by the Assad regime on Kahn Sheikhoun. It's one of the largest sanction actions in U.S. history.

The action was announced in a statement by the Treasury Department, and Treasury Security Steve Mnuchin simultaneously briefed reporters at the White House.

Ukraine, Korea, Syria, Iran... Falsifying History Is Uncle Sam's Way To War

Ukraine, Korea, Syria, Iran... Falsifying History Is Uncle Sam's Way To War

Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the International Arctic Forum this week on the real and present dangers from falsifying history. He said such deliberate distortion of history erodes international law and order, creating chaos and leading to further conflict.

Venezuela On The Verge Of Revolution As Hyperinflated Currency Crashes To New Record Low

Venezuela On The Verge Of Revolution As Hyperinflated Currency Crashes To New Record Low

Venezuela, a country with only $10 billion left in reserves to run on, is in trouble. As the currency hyperinflates to new record lows against the dollar...


James Holbrooks points out that the people are starving. The government has gone full-on authoritarian, and now desperate human beings are dying in the streets. From an Associated Press report on Friday:
