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Paul Craig Roberts Asks "Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon?"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The insouciance of the Western world is extraordinary.

It is not only Americans who permit themselves to be brainwashed by CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the New York Times and Washington Post, but also their counterparts in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan, who rely on the war propaganda machine that poses as a media.

The Western “leaders,” that is, the puppets on the end of the strings pulled by the powerful private interest groups and the Deep State, are just as insouciant.

The Country Created by Our Founding Fathers No Longer Exists

The Country Created by Our Founding Fathers No Longer Exists

John Whitehead is an American constitutional attorney whose institute, the Rutherford Institute, defends Americans’ civil liberties. In the 14 minute video below, he explains that “our” government has already set up the US military in violation of all US law and the US Constitution to suppress all dissent against the policies that “our” government follows that only benefit the One Percent. The rest of America is to be suppressed, eliminated, shot down in the streets.

Nobody Knows What's Happening In Syria, But Everyone Is Bombing It Anyway

Nobody Knows What's Happening In Syria, But Everyone Is Bombing It Anyway

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

On Wednesday, the Syrian Arab Army made the staggering claim that a recent U.S.-led airstrike on an ISIS chemical cache has killed “hundreds,” including large numbers of civilians. This alleged strike was unrelated to claims made about the chemical weapons attack in Idlib last week.
