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The US & China: Why The Sudden Convergence On North Korea?

The US & China: Why The Sudden Convergence On North Korea?

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

It was no coincidence that America's 11-ton bunker-tunnel busting bomb was deployed in Afghanistan as tensions mount over North Korea's nuclear theats.

In the past, China resisted U.S. saber-rattling against North Korea. Now China is threatening North Korea with military action. What's going on? Why the sudden convergence of U.S.-China threats of military force against North Korea?

Watch Live: Violent Clashes Break Out Between Pro And Anti-Trump Protesters In Berkeley

Watch Live: Violent Clashes Break Out Between Pro And Anti-Trump Protesters In Berkeley

It was supposed to be a day of peaceful protests across 150 US cities organized by anti-Trump supporters demanding to see the president's tax return on Tax Day. Instead, in at least that bastion of tolerance and liberalism, the protest devolved into outright violence, when according to press reports hundreds of "alt-right" and "anti fa" protesters clashed.

India Claims 500 Pakistanis (Protecting ISIS) Killed In "Treasonous" US Bombing In Afghanistan

India Claims 500 Pakistanis (Protecting ISIS) Killed In "Treasonous" US Bombing In Afghanistan

While US officials have upped their death count from the Afghan MOAB drop to 94, Indian authorities are claiming that at least 500 Pakistani nationals (who had been protecting the ISIS operatives in this area) were killed in the US bombing in Nangarhar province.

One India reports that the area that was targetted was controlled by the Islamic State and protected by the Pakistan army, sources say.

US has “longstanding tradition” of aggression under invented pretexts

US has “longstanding tradition” of aggression under invented pretexts – Russian Ministry of Defense

US a Greater Threat to Peace than North Korea

These concerns were echoed by a senior Russian lawmaker who, as AP reports, says the US is a greater threat to global peace than North Korea.
