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US Drops Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb For The First Time On ISIS In Afghanistan

At roughly 7pm local time, the United States military for the first time ever, used a GBU-43 bomb to target caves and tunnels in Aghanistan, denying operational space to ISIS, Sean Spicer said during a press briefing.

Assad: The Chemical Attack Is "100% Fabrication"

Following yesterday's icy meeting in Moscow between Rex Tillerson and Russian diplomat Sergey Lavron, the propaganda campaigns between the U.S., Syria and Russia seem to be ratcheting up to full force. 

Speaking with the BBC earlier this morning, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the U.S. account of the recent chemical weapons 'attack' in Syria was a "100% fabrication" which can only lead him to the conclusion that the West must be working "hand and glove with the terrorists."

Tucker Carlson Tackles the Dangerous Case of the Democratic War Party, Itching For a Fight With Russia

During last night's Tucker Carlson show, he attempted to find out why the democratic party, the same people who prided themselves on being anti-war during the Bush administration, were so god damned eager to wage war with just about anyone they could find willing to participate.
Inside of their party is one sole source of reason, Tulsi Gabbard, Iraqi war veteran, and Congresswoman from Hawaii who sits on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees. In response to Trump's actions in Syria, Gabbard issued the following statement.
