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ISIS Attacks US-Led Base In Southern Syria, As Assad Said To Use White Phosphorus

With the US now engaged in military conflict with, and targeting Syrian army forces, what the Trump administration has (un)wittingly done is provide support to Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and al-Nusra and other terrorist forces, all of which have been engaging with the Assad regime in a fight in which the Syrian president has gradually seen the tide of war turn in his favor. At least until last Friday's US cruise missile attack that is. 

An Unhinged McCain Calls for More War in Syria, Says Russia is Guilty of War Crimes

John McCain was on Face the Nation today, getting his neocon on, discussing the next steps that needed to be taken in Syria -- dealing with Assad.

He approved of the President's strikes -- calling it a good 'first step.' But, he wants MOAR -- accusing both Syria and Russia of war crimes, in addition to blaming Assad for the rise of ISIS. You cannot make this stuff up.
