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Trump On Collision Course With Putin After Moscow Denies Syria Behind Chemical Attack

For the first time since his election, president Trump is set for a direct collision course with Vladimir Putin after Russia said on Wednesday it stands by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad despite widespread popular outrage over a chemical weapons attack which the media was quick to pin on the Syrian president, in a carbon-copy of events from 2013 which nearly launched a US invasion of the middle-eastern nation, when a YouTube clip - subsequently shown to be a hoax - served as proof that Assad had used sarin gas on rebels in a Damascus neighborhood.

Gunfire Breaks Out As Venezuela National Guard Clash With Anti-Maduro Protesters

Gunfire Breaks Out As Venezuela National Guard Clash With Anti-Maduro Protesters

Venezuela security forces on Tuesday clashed with anti-government protesters seeking, in part, to remove justices from the Supreme Court accused of unconstitutionally favoring the ruling party, while supporting lawmakers locked in a bitter dispute with the administration of President Nicolas Maduro and the Supreme Court.

More Fake News?

More Fake News?

This afternoon NPR showcased a propagandist from BuzzFeed who denounced the Syrian government for using chemical weapons against innocents in the Idlib province. Somehow the BuzzFeed person knew for cetain that the reported event had occurred. I wondered how he could know that, and I wondered what purpose such an attack would serve.

In other words, it smelled like propaganda.

The report is challenged by a real journalist, Paul Antonopoulos, in Information Clearing House.
