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Trump Blames Obama For Syrian Chemical Attack

Trump Blames Obama For Syrian Chemical Attack

Back in 2013, the catalyst used by the US to intervene in the Syrian conflict which started in the aftermath of the Arab Spring (which according to some was inspired by CIA intervention), was a YouTube clip allegedly showing a sarin gas attack by Assad troops on his own people in the town of Ghouta, which reportedly led to hundreds of casualties. Subsequently, the video was shown to have been a hoax, but by then it was too late as the US was actively involved in the proxy war, which in the summer of 2013 nearly escalated to a naval conflict between the US and Russia.

Russia Releases First Photo Of St Petersburg Terrorism Suspect As Death Toll Climbs

Russia Releases First Photo Of St Petersburg Terrorism Suspect As Death Toll Climbs

According to latest update from Russian security forces, ten people (up to 14 according to unconfirmed reports) have been killed and at least 37 were injured when an explosion tore through a train carriage in a St. Petersburg metro tunnel on Monday. According to an update from Interfax news agency, the blast may have been caused by an explosive device hidden in a briefcase which had been left on the train before it was departing the Sennaya Ploshchad station towards the Tekhnologichesky Institut station.

UK Puts Nuclear Power Plants And Airports On Terror Alert Over "Credible" Cyber Threat

UK Puts Nuclear Power Plants And Airports On Terror Alert Over "Credible" Cyber Threat

The global cyberwarfare scare washed ashore the British isles this weekend after UK nuclear power stations and airports were told to tighten defenses against terrorist attacks in the face of increased threats to electronic security systems, after intelligence agencies concluded terrorists could plant explosives in laptops and mobile phones that won’t be caught by normal security screenings.

The Telegraph reports that British security services issued a series of alerts in the past 24 hours, warning that "terrorists may have developed ways of bypassing safety checks."
