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Trump Warns Germany "Owes Vast Sums To US... Must Be Paid For Defense"

Trump Warns Germany "Owes Vast Sums To US... Must Be Paid For Defense"

Amid #NoHandshakeGate and the "we have something in common" moment, yesterday's meeting between President Trump and German Chancellor Merkel was at best cordial, judging by the G-20 discussions, and this latest tweet from Trump...

Radicalized Muslim Killed After Seizing Soldier's Gun At Paris Orly Airport In Terrorist Attack

Radicalized Muslim Killed After Seizing Soldier's Gun At Paris Orly Airport In Terrorist Attack

A man was shot dead by security forces after seizing a soldier's gun at Paris Orly airport on Saturday while in a separate incident a police officer was shot and injured north of the French capital, the French Interior Ministry said. 

The incident is being investigated as a terrorist attack

US Kills 42 Syrian Civilians In Bombing Raid During Ceasefire

US Kills 42 Syrian Civilians In Bombing Raid During Ceasefire

US warplanes have killed at least 42 Syrian civilians in a mosque during an air raid overnight in a village west of Aleppo.  Over 100 other people were wounded in the air raid on the village of al-Jineh, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed on Friday. US military officials confirmed that it carried out a deadly airstrike in northern Syria, but have denied deliberately bombing the mosque.

Is McCain Hijacking Trump's Foreign Policy?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

“The senator from Kentucky,” said John McCain, speaking of his colleague Rand Paul, “is working for Vladimir Putin … and I do not say that lightly.”

What did Sen. Paul do to deserve being called a hireling of Vladimir Putin?

He declined to support McCain’s call for a unanimous Senate vote to bring Montenegro into NATO as the 29th member of a Cold War alliance President Trump has called “obsolete.”
