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Is A Korean Missile Crisis Ahead?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

To back up Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis’ warning last month, that the U.S. “remains steadfast in its commitment” to its allies, President Donald Trump is sending B-1 and B-52 bombers to Korea.

Some 300,000 South Korean and 15,000 U.S. troops have begun their annual Foal Eagle joint war exercises that run through April.

Video Emerges Of U.S. Marines Rolling Into Syria For Raqqa Offensive

Video Emerges Of U.S. Marines Rolling Into Syria For Raqqa Offensive

Yesterday we noted that the Trump administration was mulling over sending 100s of U.S. Marines to Raqqa to establish an outpost from which they could fire artillery at IS positions to support U.S. special forces and Kurdish fighters already on the ground.  Now, just one day later, video has emerged of dozens of heavily armored vehicles flying U.S. flags moving through desolate Syrian villages on their way to do just that.

More Americans Think The US Spends "Too Little" Than "Too Much" On The Military

More Americans Think The US Spends "Too Little" Than "Too Much" On The Military

Following The House's decisive approval of a $578 billion spending bill to keep the US armed forces operating through September, Gallup recently conducted a poll to gauge public opinion on the current level of U.S. military expenditure. The results may surprise some...

As Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, Gallup found that 37 percent of people think the government is spending too little compared to 31 percent who say it's too much and 28 percent who think it's about right.

Republicans' Consumer Confidence Is At 9 Year Highs (Democrats Not So Much)

Republicans' Consumer Confidence Is At 9 Year Highs (Democrats Not So Much)

Bloomberg's consumer comfort index surged to the highest level since its peak in February 2007. However, while Republicans are the happiest since 2008, Democrats' confidence is collapsing...


But the divided America is extremely evident. Republican consumers in America have not been this 'comfortable' since January 2008, Democrats are the least 'comfortable' in 10 months.

Illinois State Senator Pushes Bill Allowing Government To Confiscate Guns Without Due Process

Illinois State Senator Pushes Bill Allowing Government To Confiscate Guns Without Due Process

Via Daniel Lang of,

There are people in our government who are determined to chip away at our Second Amendment rights, and they are an insidious bunch.

Rarely do they make blatant gun grabbing attempts. Typically they push for policies that quietly set back gun rights. They like laws that merely set precedents without alarming the public, and they’ve been doing it successfully for decades.
