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‘Genocide’ In Yemen As Saudi Arabia, U.S. Grab 63% Of Oil Supply

‘Genocide’ In Yemen As Saudi Arabia, U.S. Grab 63% Of Oil Supply

Saudi Arabia and the United States are carrying out a “genocide” while the world turns a blind eye, unaware that Yemen is being invaded for its vast oil reserves.  Observers have been puzzled why oil-rich Saudi Arabia, backed by their allies the United States, have set their sights on impoverished Yemen – however all is not as it seems in the region. Saudi Arabian oil is drying up, and scientific research by international drilling companies show that Yemen’s unexploited oil reserves are greater than the combined reserves of all the oil-rich Gulf states.

South Africa On The Brink Of A Race War

South Africa On The Brink Of A Race War

South Africa is teetering on the brink of a race war after President Jacob Zuma called on parliament to pass a law allowing white-owned land to be “confiscated” by blacks without any form of compensation.  The president’s comments caused outrage among white landowners, with the chairman of a national group for Afrikaans speaking farmers warning the new law will be “a declaration of war.” “We are ready to fight back,” said Andries Breytenbach, the group’s chairman. “We need urgent mediation between us and the government.

"It's A Declaration Of War": South Africa's President Calls For Confiscation Of White Land

"It's A Declaration Of War": South Africa's President Calls For Confiscation Of White Land

After South Africa's embattled president Jacob Zuma pledged, in a surprising address to parliament one month ago, to break up white ownership of business and land to reduce inequality (in a State of the Nation address which was disrupted by a fistfight), it now appears that Zuma's intentions to convert what was until recently Africa's most prosperous economy into a new Zimbabwe were all too real, and as the Telegraph reports, the South African president officially called on parliament to change South Africa’s constitution to allow the expropriation of white owned land without compensation.

Russia Kills 19 CIA-Funded Terrorist Commanders In Syria

Russia Kills 19 CIA-Funded Terrorist Commanders In Syria

Russia has destroyed the CIA-funded al-Nusra HQ near Aleppo, killing at least 67 terrorists, including 19 field commanders. Fulfilling Putin’s promise that Russia would destroy U.S.-backed terrorist groups such as ISIS, Russian Aerospace forces successfully obliterated the al-Nusra HQ on February 28. According to Sputnik: On February 28, the headquarters of the al-Nusra terrorist group near Rasm al-Eis village, 28 kilometers south-west of Aleppo, was destroyed by a KAB-500 guided bomb launched by an Su-24 fighter jet of the Russian Aerospace forces, Lt. Gen.

U.S. Government Admits Using Radioactive Weapons Against Iraqi Children

U.S. Government Admits Using Radioactive Weapons Against Iraqi Children

The U.S. government has quietly admitted that they used radioactive weapons in both Syria and Iraq which has resulted in thousands of babies suffering deformities. According to reports, the effects of the military using depleted uranium during the 2003 Iraqi war continues to take its toll on U.S. soldiers, with cancer-causing radioactive substances being measured in their urine. reports: According to a new disclosure from U.S.
