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Turkey's Main Opposition Party Threatens To "Come And Take Back 18 Islands Owned By Greece"

Turkey's Main Opposition Party Threatens To "Come And Take Back 18 Islands Owned By Greece"

The leader of Turkey’s main opposition party Republican People’s Party (CHP),  Kemal Kilicdaroglu, threatened to come and take back a total of 18 islands occupied by Greece.

No worries. The leader of Kemalist CHP will not come in the next days, weeks or months. He will come in 2019, after his party will win the general elections of Turkey scheduled to take place in the same year.

Russia Tests Powerful ICBM Capable Of Overcoming Missile-Defense Systems

Russia Tests Powerful ICBM Capable Of Overcoming Missile-Defense Systems

As North Korea vociferously condemns the US and the United Nations after the Security Council passed yet another round of sanctions against the restive regime, Russia is continuing to test ICBMs in preparation for a violent conflict on the neighboring Korean Peninsula while simultaneous calling for both sides to seek mediation.

Last night, Russia’s Strategic Missile Force tested the RS-12M Topol intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) at the Kapustin Yar practice range in the southern Astrakhan Region, the TASS News Agency reported Tuesday.

Militants Shoot Down Syrian Army Plane In Hama Province

Militants Shoot Down Syrian Army Plane In Hama Province

According to local TV, a Syrian army's military aircraft has been downed by insurgents in the Hama province. The pilot of the jet has reportedly been killed as a result of the downing, according to Al Arabiya.


