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Three Ridiculous Ways Congress Plans To Keep America Safe Again

Three Ridiculous Ways Congress Plans To Keep America Safe Again

Submitted by Simon Black via,

Around the time of Passover in 67 AD, the Jews of Judea were in the midst of a major rebellion against the occupying Roman Empire.

Riots and violence were commonplace, and an organized rebel force of more than 25,000 men fought regularly against the imperial legions.

But a small group of zealots decided that conventional warfare wasn’t good enough.

So they went to the nearby town of Ein Gedi in modern-day Israel and killed 700 civilians.

Leaked Memo Reveals List Of Trump's Top Defense Priorities

Leaked Memo Reveals List Of Trump's Top Defense Priorities

A leaked communication between the Trump transition team's Undersecretary of Defense for policy Brian McKeon, and the Pentagon, has revealed the four biggest defense priorities for the president-elect. Among the top four items listed in the memo from are: 1) developing a strategy to defeat/destroy ISIS; 2) build a strong defense by eliminating budget caps/the sequester, 3) develop a comprehensive cyber strategy, and 4) eliminate wasteful spending by finding greater efficiencies.

4 Dead, Many Injured After Minibus "Drove Into" Beijing Market

4 Dead, Many Injured After Minibus "Drove Into" Beijing Market

Four people are dead and many more injured after a minibus drive into a market in the northern region of Beijing. While China's traffic safety record is not exactly stellar, with many on edge following the Berlin attack, this event is noteworthy as China has faced a threat from Islamist militants operating in its far western region of Xinjiang who have been blamed for a series of attacks in recent years.

Berlin Market Attack Was Most Likely CIA False-Flag Operation

The attack on a Berlin Christmas market may be a state-sponsored “false-flag” operation to push Germany to play a more active role in the so-called war on terror in the Middle East, according to Chicago author and journalist Stephen Lendman At least 12 people were killed and dozens injured when a truck crashed into a crowded market in Berlin on Monday. Police detained a 23-year-old suspect, Navid B., a Pakistani asylum seeker but have since admitted they may have arrested the wrong man.
