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World War 3: Israel Begin Bombing Syria

Israel has begun a bombing campaign in Syria, carrying out multiple air strikes in the country under the guise of targeting Hezbollah. According to Arab news outlets, Israeli aircraft used Lebanese airspace in order to hit a weapons cache and a convoy of military vehicles belonging to Hezbollah and the Syrian army. reports: The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has neither confirmed nor denied the attacks in line with the position Israel always takes when it comes to sensitive operations. The aerial assault is believed to have taken place during the night of 29-30 November.

Thousands Of Veterans To Form ‘Human Shield’ For Dakota Protestors

Thousands of veterans are planning to form a human shield around the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to protect protestors from police brutality. Up to 2,000 veterans are expected in North Dakota amid violent clashes between protestors and militarised cops over the construction of an oil pipeline. The nonviolent intervention by the veterans aims to protect the brave protestors from “assault and intimidation at the hands of the militarized police force”.

Aleppo Civilians Seek Safety Of Syrian Army, Giving MSM A Headache!

The Syrian army is on the verge of fully liberating the “moderate rebel” stronghold of East Aleppo, causing a headache for western media, who have to report on the freedom of the city from years of war and tyranny through a biased perspective. A tale of two headlines Russia Insider reports: As the Syrian army continues to drive into the “moderate rebel” stronghold of East Aleppo, responsible western news outlets have been faced with the daunting, seemingly impossible task of turning the liberation of tens of thousands of civilians into a dark day for humanity.

Israeli Jets Launch Airstrike Near Syrian Capital Damascus

Israeli fighter jets fired missiles on a government-held town west of Damascus according to Syrian state media. Some reports indicate that four missiles had hit Hezbollah militia targets near Al-Saboorah, a government-controlled suburb of Syria’s capital. No casualties were reported, though there have been conflicting reports over the initial target of the raid.
