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The Tyranny At Standing Rock: The Government's Divide-And-Conquer Strategy Is Working

Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

What we’re witnessing at Standing Rock, where activists have gathered to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline construction on Native American land, is just the latest incarnation of the government’s battle plan for stamping out any sparks of resistance and keeping the populace under control: battlefield tactics, military weaponry and a complete suspension of the Constitution.

Russia Unveils Nuke Train To Terrify NATO

Russia has tested a new high speed stealth nuke train that is designed to be a ‘nightmare’ for NATO. The trains carry powerful nuclear weapons and a launcher in the belly of one of their standard looking carriages and are constantly hurtling around Russia mingling with regular trains running on standard rail gauge.  Daily Star reports: The trains can be stopped at a moments notice and deploy massive nuclear missile launchers as seen in this chilling test footage.

Wikileaks Releases Half A Million Diplomatic Cables From "Year Zero" Of The Modern Era

Coming on the sixth year anniversary of the infamous "Cablegate", when on this day in 2010 Wikileaks made global headlines when it unveiled classified cables sent to the US State Department, revealing assessments of countries and details of eavesdropping, this morning WikiLeaks released more than half a million US diplomatic cables from 1979, covering various diplomatic events and incidents such as the Iranian revolution, Osama bin Ladin's departure of his native Saudi Arabia for Pakistan to support the Mujahideen, the siege of Mecca, Saddam Hussein becoming president of Iraq and much more.
