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"It Feels Like A Warzone": 400 North Dakota Pipeline Protesters Clash With Police; 167 Injured

"It Feels Like A Warzone":  400 North Dakota Pipeline Protesters Clash With Police; 167 Injured

In the latest in a series of protests against the North Dakota oil pipeline project, overnight an estimated 400 protesters clashed with police who fired tear gas at the scene of a similar confrontation last month. The protesters mounted the Backwater Bridge and attempted to force their way past police in what the Morton County Sheriff's Department initially described as an "ongoing riot." Protesters say the pipeline threatens water resources and sacred tribal lands.

ISIS Instructed Not To Attack U.S. In Secret Document

More evidence of cooperation between the US and ISIS has been uncovered in Iraq after local militia uncovered Islamic State documents near Mosul that instruct jihadists not to attack US coalition aircraft in Mosul or the surrounding area. During US election season, WikiLeaks confirmed what many already suspected, that the US government, or at least certain members of it, were implicitly aiding the Islamic State – with Hillary Clinton even accepting millions from the very same governments who fund the jihadist group.

Putin: Russia Leaves ‘Biased’ International Criminal Court

Vladimir Putin withdrew Russia’s support of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Wednesday due to its bias against non-Western nations.  The ICC was set up in 1998 by the United Nations General Assembly, in order to prosecute individuals for crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. However, the court has come under heavy criticism from various African nations who say the court is persecuting African leaders without any evidence. Now, Russia has joined a growing list of countries that have quit the ICC. reports: On Tuesday, Nov.

Putin Warns About War With NATO

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that he will declare war with NATO if it continues to provoke Russia.  During a live question and answer sessions, Putin promised to “choke” NATO if troops continue to interfere in Russia’s presence in Ukraine and Georgia. Although the diplomatic relations with the U.S. are set to improve following the election of Donald Trump, Putin has made his disdain for NATO abundantly clear.
