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Media Blackout As France Witnesses Biggest Revolution In 200 Years

As France prepare to host millions of visitors at the Euro 2016 Football Championships, a state of emergency has been extended in the country as it faces its largest protests in recent history.  Hundreds of thousands of citizens have taken to the streets in France, amounting to what some are calling the new French Revolution amid a total media blackout in Western news outlets. reports: The first collaborative protest against the Socialist government since Hollande came to power in 2012, kicked off on 9 March.

NATO Needs Enemies In Order To Justify Its Existence

NATO has always been more about offense than defense, and more about America controlling the policies of Alliance members, increasing their numbers, pressuring them to stress militarism more than they’d chose otherwise and of course, selling them lots of US weapons according to writer and activist Stephen Lendman. In an article for Global research he writes: When founded in April 1949, Soviet Russia was a North Atlantic Alliance enemy in name only, ravaged by WW II – needing years after Stalin’s April 1953 death to regain pre-war normality, peace essential to restore it.

Caught On Tape: Brazilian Police Fire Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets As Protesters Try To Storm New President's Office

As expected, the peaceful transition period surrounding the new, and just as corrupt according to many, government of Brazil's new president Michel Temer did not last even a month. Yesterday, clashes erupted in Brazil with police deploying tear gas and rubber bullets on protesters opposing to the country's new interim government. Demonstrators hit the streets of Brazil's largest city, Sao Paolo, for a rally calling for the removal of acting president Michel Temer.
