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Live Feed: Paris Protesters, Riot Police Clash Over Labor Law

Live Feed: Paris Protesters, Riot Police Clash Over Labor Law

Recently France's government used an obscure article of its constitution to bypass parliament on labor reform proposals. Ultimately the reforms make it easier lay workers off, and allows for an increased work week.

As we said at the time, protests and public anger will only intensify after this unprecedented legal maneuver was implemented by an increasingly more unpopular government. Today, protesters have once again taken to the streets of Paris once again, and are being met by tear gas.

Washington "Promotes Regional Stability" With War Games In Russia's Back Yard

Around 350 troops from six countries (US, UK, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, and Serbia) are taking part in a military drill entitled 'Platinum Eagle 16.1', which is scheduled to conclude today according to RT. 

The exercise comes less than a week after the US launched its European missile defense system in Romania, much to the ire of Russia.

Mass Grave Of Thousands Of ISIS Victims Discovered In Syria

A mass grave containing THOUSANDS of slaughtered innocent victims of the so called Islamic State has been discovered in northern Syria. The discovery came to light after Kurdish YPG forces recaptured the town of Suluk, 11 miles from the Turkish border and 30 miles from the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa. ISIS militants blindfolded their victims and tortured them before throwing them over the edge of a ravine.
