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Trump Protesters Breach Barricades, Clash With Riot Police - Live Feed

Outside the California Republican Party 'lunch banquet' in Burlingame at which Donald Trump is set to speak this afternoon, Anti-Trump protesters have swelled in numbers and turned violent. Having breached barricades, riot police have begun to move in and are arresting some of the group...


Russian Sappers Finish De-Mining Ancient Jewel Of Palmyra

A bunch of not so bad Ruskis have finished de-mining the historical part of the city of Palmyra, once considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. ISIS took a hammer to the ‘oasis in the desert’ chipping away at man’s cultural heritage, letting the international community know what they think of their so called consideration. In a short period of time they looted and destroyed archaeological treasures and meted out their sick style of justice to the locals and prisoners.

Russia: Deployment Of US Troops To Syria Is Violation Of Sovereignty

Moscow has raised concerns over the deployment of 150 US soldiers in Rumeilan, northeastern Syria, without the consent of the Syrian government, calling the move a “violation of the country’s sovereignty.” Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said: “Speaking from the position of the Foreign Ministry, we can’t help but be concerned about the fact that such actions are being carried out by the US without the consent of the legitimate government of the Syrian Arab Republic” “It is a violation of sovereignty,” he said.

Mass Protests Rock France As Thousands Take To The Streets

Thousands of people took to the streets of France on Thursday to protest government labor reforms.  Police clashed with protestors and deployed specialist riot cops armed with tear gas to various French cities, arresting large numbers of people. Photographs and videos posted on social media showed warzone-style scenes of people marching their way through clouds of tear gas in major cities, including Paris, Lyon, Rennes and Nantes.

A Return to the National Interest

Whether the establishment likes it or not, and it evidently does not, there is a revolution going on in America.

The old order in this capital city is on the way out, America is crossing a great divide, and there is no going back.

Donald Trump’s triumphant march to the nomination in Cleveland, virtually assured by his five-state sweep Tuesday, confirms it, as does his foreign policy address of Wednesday.
