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The Cost of Obsolete Alliances

This week, SU-24 fighter-bombers buzzed a U.S. destroyer in the Baltic Sea. The Russian planes carried no missiles or bombs. Message: What are you Americans doing here?

In the South China Sea, U.S. planes overfly, and U.S. warships sail inside, the territorial limits of islets claimed by Beijing. In South Korea, U.S. forces conduct annual military exercises as warnings to a North Korea that is testing nuclear warheads and long-range missiles that can reach the United States.

Why Young Arabs Are Joining The Islamic State

Why Young Arabs Are Joining The Islamic State

And that is why we said this was the scariest chart in the world for these reasons!


A recent poll has found that young Arabs across the Middle East reject the so-called Islamic State and believe it will not succeed in creating a caliphate. Entitled "The 2016 Arab Youth Survey", it also found several reasons why younger Arabs think people are attracted to the terrorist group. A chronic job shortage in the region is one of the primary reasons, far ahead the presence of Western troops in the Middle East.

Putin: Turkey Supports ISIS As Country Suffers Civil War

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Turkish authorities of working side by side with terrorist organisations such as ISIS, amid an ongoing civil war taking place in southern Turkey which has gone unreported in the media.  “We believe that the current Turkish leadership not so much fights the radicals, but rather cooperates with them,” Putin told reporters. reports: “In fact, there is a civil war going on in southern Turkey. We try to ignore it, the international community pretends not to notice it, but it’s a fact.

Mysterious Company Builds Bomb-Proof Underground Shelters For The Elite

The elite are buying expensive bomb-proof underground shelters en masse at the moment, fearing mass civil unrest might be coming to the world in the next few months. Rising income inequality, racial tensions, distrust in government, and the unfolding tyrannical police state being revealed may spark a mass civil war any day now. The company behind the construction of these survival bunkers, Vivos, say the facilities are designed to protect the extremely wealthy in the event of a coming apocalypse.
