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ISIS Threaten To Wipe Out Hindus In India

ISIS have threatened to “wipe out Hindus” living in India, with the help of local mujahidin, according to a new interview published in Dabiq Magazine.  In the interview the head of ISIS in Bangladesh, Shaykh Abu Ibrahim al-Hanif, said the terrorist organisation is planning to use militants in neighbouring countries to carry out guerilla attacks across India. reports: The terror group said that it aims to implement Sharia law in the country.

US Government Planned Fake Hijacking Post-9/11 For Publicity

In his book ‘Relentless Strike’ author Sean Naylor claims that in the aftermath of 9/11, the US Government (specifically the Pentagon) was seriously considering staging the hijacking of an airline to trick the American public into feeling safer. Seriously. Some morons in the Pentagon thought staging an airplane hijacking would make us feel better. Who are these lunatics in power?

CIA To Arm Syrian Rebels With More Lethal Weapons If Ceasefire Fails

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is preparing to supply Syrian rebels with more powerful weapons should the six week old ceasefire in Syria collapse, US media report “Plan B” will come into force if the truce collapse and negotiations lead nowhere was the message reportedly relayed by CIA Director John Brennan and State Secretary John Kerry in private meetings with their Russian counterparts. Washington and its allies are discussing which weapon systems are to be delivered to “vetted moderate” rebels Wasn’t that the plan all along?

Murphy and Paul Seek to Halt Arms Sales to the Saudis

Samuel Oakford reports on a welcome measure from the Senate:

Two US Senators introduced legislation on Wednesday that would halt future sales of aerial munitions to Saudi Arabia until President Obama verifies that the Saudi government is respecting international humanitarian law in waging war in Yemen, that it doesn’t support listed terrorist groups, and that it is pursuing all measures to eradicate al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group.

The Beast Is On The Loose In Iraq

An Iraqi tank nicknamed “The Beast” is loose on the battlefields of Iraq, tearing down the countryside, looking for ISIS fighters, in the western city of Hit. A Twitter post on the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service’s account shows The Beast obliterating an ISIS car loaded with explosives. The Daily Caller reports: The ISIS car was approaching ICTS personnel outside Ramadi in Hit, Iraq, apparently loaded with explosives, ICTS said in a tweet describing the video.
