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Eugenics: CIA Plot To Exterminate Haitian Population Exposed

In 1937 the CIA authorised a plan to ethnically cleanse the entire Haitian population by orchestrating Plan Osorio – a U.S. government-backed project that allowed the brutal murder of 6,000 Haitians in the Dominican Republic.  Over the next few decades, the U.S. government continued its eugenics program on the Haitians via biological and weather warfare. reports: The dictator of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Trujillo, was not a very articulate man, and he was a poor orator; most Dominicans today would not recognize his voice.

North Korea Test Fires New Anti-Missile System

Defying UN sanctions, Kim Jong-Un personally supervised the testing of North Korea’s new anti-missile system on Saturday. The test was the latest in a series of missile trials as tensions run high on the divided Korean peninsula. It also came as a two-day nuclear security summit was being hosted by Barack Obama in Washington, at which North Korea was the focus of the US president’s talks with leaders from China, South Korea and Japan.

ISIS Using German Tactic ‘Auftragstaktik’ To Achieve Victory

A recent issue of an ISIS propaganda magazine describes a method for carrying out attacks using an adaptation of a 19th century German military philosophy. The command tactic ‘Auftragstaktik’ allows subordinate terrorists to individually carry out specific orders without being burdened with anything else except achieving their objective. Russia Today reports: The Dar al-Islam issue, published in French, states that the terror group is using a version of Auftragstaktik, a combat doctrine previously used by the German Army.

Iran Moves To Take Key City From ISIS In Critical Sectarian Feud

Believe it or not, the Iraqi army is on the verge of launching an attack on ISIS-held Mosul.

The city - home to millions of Iraqis - is Bakr al-Baghdadi's most important urban stronghold.

Raqqa is the ISIS "capital", but it's easier to command. Mosul is a major city with a population that numbers in the millions. If ISIS were to lose its grip there, it would almost surely mark the beginning of the end for the self-styled "caliphate."  
