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UN Report: Turkey Is Main Supplier Of Weapons To ISIS

Moscow has submitted evidence of Turkey’s illegal arming of ISIS militants in Syria to the UN Security Council, saying that Turkey are the biggest sponsor of terrorism and supplier of weapons to ISIS fighters than any other country.  Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin announced, “the main supplier of weapons and military equipment to ISIL fighters is Turkey, which is doing so through non-governmental organizations.

China Plans To Keep Nuclear Missiles On High Alert

Chinese military plan to keep their next generation intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles on a hair-trigger state of readiness as a deterrent against the US. World leaders with the exception of Russia gathered in Washington today for the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by president Obama to discuss nuclear weapons and security. Sputnik reports: China’s nuclear deterrence strategy in the past has relied on patience, with a calm focus on long-term retaliation rather than immediate reprisal. Under President Xi Jinping, that policy is about to change.

Ignoring the Indefensible War on Yemen

The New York Times editors express hope that a proposed cease-fire in Yemen might hold:

Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to meet soon with foreign ministers of gulf Arab nations. If he can make sure they go forward with the cease-fire, there may be a chance of ending a conflict that has slaughtered civilians, tarnished America’s standing and diverted resources from fighting the Islamic State and Al Qaeda.
