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9/11 WTC Tower Had Power Turned Off For 36 Hours Weekend Before Attack

A former data center worker who worked at one of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings before the 9/11 attacks has come forward with bombshell information that suggests explosives were planted in the buildings in the weeks prior to the attacks on September 11, 2001.  Scott Forbes was employed by Fiduciary Trust Company International, located on the 97th floor of the South Tower at the WTC complex.

Israel Urge All Citizens To Evacuate Turkey

Israel have urged all citizens travelling in Turkey to evacuate “as soon as possible” following intel of an impending ISIS attack.  An upgraded travel advisory warning predicts a follow-up attack to the March 19 suicide bombing in Istanbul. A statement by the Israeli counter-terrorism bureau said there is a “high concrete threat” that ISIS will attack Turkish tourist attractions.

Western Leaders Silent After Syrian Army Defeat ISIS In Palmyra

David Cameron like other Western leaders has remained silent after ISIS suffers its biggest military defeat in more than two years, following the recapture of Palmyra by Syrian government forces. The Russian embassy in the UK has actually publicly questioned why the British government has failed to address the retaking of Palmyra from ISIS militants. If the bad guys have been removed, why are they not celebrating? Isn’t that what they wanted?

Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

The justification for going to war in Iraq thirteen years ago, was based on a 93-page classified document that allegedly contained “specific information” on former Iraqi leader President Saddam Hussein and the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs he was apparently running. Now that document has been declassified and it reveals that there was virtually zero justification for the Iraq war. The document reveals that there was “no operational tie between Saddam and al Qaeda” and no WMD programs.
