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Lindsay Graham Warns "70% Chance Of War" If Kim Tests Another Nuke

Lindsay Graham Warns "70% Chance Of War" If Kim Tests Another Nuke

Authored by Ryan Pickrell via The Daily Caller,

The odds that the U.S. will attack North Korea are disconcertingly high, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham revealed.

“There’s a three in 10 chance we use the military option,” Graham told the Atlantic on Wednesday, adding that he “would say 70 percent” if North Korea conducts a seventh nuclear test.


“We’re not to the tipping point yet,” he said, but “if they test another [nuclear] weapon, then all bets are off.”

Newly-Declassified Documents Show Western Leaders Promised Gorbachev that NATO Would Not Move “One Inch Closer” to Russia

Newly-Declassified Documents Show Western Leaders Promised Gorbachev that NATO Would Not Move “One Inch Closer” to Russia

The U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union at the time it broke up and many other experts have said that the West promised Gorbachev that – if the USSR allowed German re-unification – NATO wouldn’t move “one inch closer” to Russia.

While Western leaders have long denied that such a promise, newly-declassified documents now prove this.

The National Security Archive at George Washington University reported Tuesday:
