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German Chancellor Angela Merkel Took Selfie With Brussels Terrorist

A photo showing Angela Merkel taking a selfie with Brussels bomber Najim Laachraoui has gone viral.  The photo appears to show the German Chancellor with the Paris Bomb-Maker and Brussels attacker – who posed as a refugee at the time of the photograph. The resemblance to the bomber is striking. He was filmed by surveillance cameras at Brussels Airport “Zaventem” shortly before the terrorist attack on Tuesday. 24-year-old Najim Laachraoui was the bomber pictured on the left of a surveillance camera image captured before the twin blasts rocked the departures area on Tuesday.

Video: Operation Gladio – State-Sponsored Terror Revealed In 1992

Gladio Was Revealed in 1992 Originally aired on BBC2, ‘Operation Gladio’ reveals the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. (Scroll down for video) Even though Gladio may be old news, it is definitely worth watching. It should at least make people think twice  before believing the official story when it comes to alleged terrorist incidents. TheArjan1982 reports: Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact.

Caught On Tape: State Dept. Says Maybe Russia, Syrian Army Shouldn't Take Palmyra From ISIS

Caught On Tape: State Dept. Says Maybe Russia, Syrian Army Shouldn't Take Palmyra From ISIS

Last May, the world was horrified to learn that the band of marauding, black-flag waving, sword-wielding jihadist desert bandits we all know as the CIA-spawn called ISIS had overrun the ancient city of Palmyra. A UNESCO world heritage site, the city is known for its picturesque ancient ruins and boasts a rich cultural history that brings together Greek, Roman and Persian influences.

Trump Is Right - Dump NATO Now

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

If you want to know why we have a $19 trillion national debt and a fiscal structure that will take that already staggering figure to $35 trillion and 140% of GDP within a decade, just consider the latest campaign fracas. That is, the shrieks of disbelief in response to Donald Trump’s sensible suggestion that the Europeans pay for their own defense.
