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‘We Didn’t Lose A Single Person In Libya’ Says Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton appeared to forget the killing of four US citizens during an attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi when she insisted that “we did not lose a single person in Libya”. Clinton made the comment while defending her push for regime change in the war-torn North African nation at an Illinois town hall event on Monday. Talk about having a selective memory….. Could this be an early sign of dementia or has Mrs Clinton spent so much of her life lying that she now finds it hard to distinguish what is real from what is fantasy?

Turkish Police ‘Crackdown’ On Anti Government Protesters

Turkish police attacked protesters in Istanbul on Monday who were demonstrating against the government’s failure in preventing terrorist assaults in the country. Anti-government protesters gathered at Istanbul’s Taksim Square, chanting slogans and holding banners denouncing Ankara’s mismanagement, which they blame for the terror attacks, including the car bomb explosion k that killed 37 people on Sunday. Press TV reports: However, the gathering turned violent after security forces intervened, firing water cannon and rubber bullets at the demonstrators.

Gunfire Breaks Out In Brussels Anti-Terror Raid: Shooter On The Loose After One Police Officer Injured

The European terrorist scare came back with a bang moments ago when gunfire broke out earlier today during a counterterrorism raid in the Belgian capital, local media reported. According to NBC, Belgian media reported that at least one suspect fled and at least one police officer was lightly wounded in the incident in the Forest area of the city. Police sealed off the neighborhood.

Anonymous To Launch Cyber Attack On Donald Trump

Anonymous hacktivists have declared “Total War” on presidential candidate Donald Trump. “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.” In a serious of coordinated DDoS attacks hacking group Anonymous plans to sabotage and ‘dismantle’ Donald Trump’s US presidential campaign. “Donald Trump – it is too late to expect us.” Neowin reports: The renewed war on Trump comes about as Anonymous claims that his “inconsistent and hateful campaign has not only shocked the United States America, you have shocked the entire planet with your appalling actions and ideas”.
