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How Israel Keeps Getting Away With Duping U.S.

Six decades and eleven presidents later; from Eisenhower to Obama, Israel has been duping U.S. presidents, using and abusing America’s power and influence for their own gain while the media dupes the public into thinking it’s for the greater good. The American Government has sacrificed countless lives and the welfare of its own people for Israel’s sake. How does this keep happening and who’s to blame? Morgan Strong, Consortium: Manipulating Icke In the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower was a strong supporter of the fledgling Jewish state and had supplied Israel with advanced U.S.

France Arrest Woman For Wearing T-shirt Criticising Israel

France have intensified its war on free speech this week by arresting a woman for wearing a T-shirt that criticised Israel by promoting the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in support of Palestine.  The woman was taking part in a march for International Women’s Day in Paris on Sunday, when undercover police grabbed her and detained her for wearing the ‘illegal’ t-shirt that had the words “Boycott Apartheid Israel” printed on it. The arrest confirms that France will no longer tolerate t-shirts it deems to be offensive, marching the once great nation towards all-out tyranny.

Saudi Arabia Says It ‘Fights Torture’ & ‘Promotes Human Rights’

Saudi Arabia told the United Nations Human Rights Council that it fights torture and leads the way on human rights. While fibbing over its human rights record to the UN, the Kingdom currently plans to hang three juveniles on the basis of confessions that were extracted under duress. Bandar al-Ali, the Saudi Minister of Culture and Information, made  his comments in a speech delivered to the UN in Geneva in response to a report delivered to the Human Rights Council by Juan Mendez, the special rapporteur on torture.

North Korean Submarine "Goes Missing" During "Largest Ever" US, South Korea Assault Drill

North Korean Submarine "Goes Missing" During "Largest Ever" US, South Korea Assault Drill

In response to the rising belligerence by North Korea, and its increasingly more frequent rocket launches, U.S. and South Korean troops staged a massive amphibious landing exercise Saturday, storming simulated North Korean beach defenses amid and threats by Pyongyang to annihilate its enemies.

The Danes in Afghanistan

A War was the Danish submission to the Oscars this year for Best Foreign Language Film of 2015. It lost out to a Hungarian movie set in a Holocaust concentration camp, but A War is well worth seeing, with or without awards. It’s in Danish, with large and clear English subtitles—you will have no problem following the action.
