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Protests After Utah Police Shoot Teen Who Was Carrying A Broomstick

Protests erupted after Utah police shot a 16-year-old boy in the chest and stomach because he was brandishing a broomstick. Abdi Mohamed was hospitalized in downtown Salt Lake City on Saturday night and is said to be in a critical condition. About 100 riot police tried to the disperse angry crowds who started throwing glass and rocks following the incident.

Military Would Revolt Against Trump, Former CIA Director Says

Earlier today, we noted that America’s presumed candidate for the GOP nomination is busy retweeting Mussolini quotes.

That’s not necessarily a reflection of an explicit desire to move America towards fascism.

It’s not entirely clear that Donald Trump understands the movement he’s started. But America's entrenched political establishment is now scrambling to understand how to deal with the Trump juggernaut and it's not just politicians who are concerned. 

Tens Of Thousands Join UK’s Largest Anti-Nuclear Demo In Decades

Tens of thousands took to the streets of London on Saturday in what has been described as Britain’s biggest anti-nuclear weapons demonstration in a generation. Organized by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and backed by Jeremy Corbyn, Nicola Sturgeon and Caroline Lucas, the rally comes ahead of a parliamentary decision on whether or not to replace Trident, Britain’s nuclear weapons system. Protesters opposing the renewal of UK’s expensive nuclear deterrent say there are better ways to spend the taxpayers’ billions. ‘We are not alone,’ Jeremy Corbyn told the crowd.

Russia’s T-90 Tank Makes The TOW Anti-Tank Missile Obsolete In Syria

The new Russian T-90 tank, nicknamed “Vladimir” has effective anti guided missile defenses that could make the U.S. made TOW missiles, used by opposition factions in Syria, obsolete. Sputnik reports: In a report on the new weapons deployed to the Syrian conflict, Robert Fisk drew attention to tank-based anti-missile systems, as well as night vision and reconnaissance systems. The new tanks supplied to the Syrian army have the ability to deflect TOW-like missiles, although their full implementation has yet to be seen.

ISIS Unleash Chemical Weapons On Peshmerga Kurdish Forces

ISIS have fired rockets containing the choking agent chlorine at Kurdish forces in its latest chemical attack in Iraq. Iraqi authorities are looking into another suspected chemical attack by ISIS in northwestern Iraq this week. Daily Express reports: Dozens of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and civilians were treated for nausea and vomiting after homemade rockets, were fired at them in the Sinjar. The missiles appeared to contain the chemical substance and US-led coalition is helping with the investigation, the Kurdistan Region Security Council said.
