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ISIS Make Direct Threat Against Mark Zuckerberg

A video released by ISIS shows the terrorist group making direct threats against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for their stance in combating extremism on their social media platforms.  The 25-minute video was released by “the sons of the Caliphate army”, and shows photographs of both Zuckerberg and Dorsey being targeted by bullets. reports: The video was spotted by Vocativdeep web analysts on the social media service Telegram, which is used by ISIS.

A 2016 Foreign Policy Report Card

Presidents have more latitude in foreign affairs than in domestic policy, and the trend over the past two administrations has been for presidents to be more hawkish than their campaign pledges led voters to expect. George W. Bush promised a “humble foreign policy.” Instead, he gave us the Iraq War. Barack Obama was elected in part to end Bush’s wars. But he too pursued regime change, with Pyrrhic success in Libya and abortively in Syria.

John Kerry: Up to 30,000 Ground Troops Needed For Syria Safe Zone

John Kerry said it would take between 15,000 to 30,000 ground troops to maintain a ‘safe zone’ inside northern Syria. Citing previously unheard of Pentagon estimates, the Secretary of State asked a Senate panel today: “Now are we ready to authorize that?” ABC7 News reports: Although a ceasefire is planned for this coming Saturday, there are growing calls within Washington for a so-called “Plan-B”: options for military action if the truce fails. Many Republicans, including Donald Trump, are calling for a “safe zone” in northern Syria to protect the increasing number of displaced people.

Norway’s Prime Minister Warns Sweden Is About To Collapse, Seals Borders

The Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg has warned that Sweden is about to collapse due to the overwhelming influx of refugees in the country.  Solberg is so concerned with its imminent collapse that she has created an emergency law to seal Norway’s borders in case “it all breaks down” in Sweden. reports: “It is a force majeure proposals which we will have in the event that it all breaks down, the power just comes, and all end in Norway because we are at the top and most of Europe.
