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Caught On Tape: Ukraine Nationalists Trash Offices Of Russian Banks; Police Refuse To Intervene

Two years after the US State Department, and specifically Victoria Nuland, hand-picked Ukraine's next government in the aftermath of the Euromaidan riots which led to a coup and the ouster of then president Yanukovich and the appointment of a US puppet government led by the increasingly unpopular Arseniy Yatseniuk, tens of thousands of people in the Ukrainian capital came to various observances of the "Day of the Heavenly Hundred". a term which refers to those who died during the months of protests in Kiev that culminated with President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing.

U.S. Air Force Removes B-one Bombers From ISIS Campaign

B-1B Lancer bombers covering operations in Iraq and Syria against the Islamic State/ISIS are to return to the U.S. for scheduled cockpit upgrades, according to the USAF Central Command. Russia Today reports: With the B-1 taking a back seat, the campaign may lose a “little flexibility,” but the USAF has plenty of other aircraft to compensate for the deficit, Lt. Gen. Charles Q. Brown, who heads the command, told journalists from his HQ in Qatar. Brown said the bombers would return to Iraq and Syria, but didn’t provide any timetable.

Deadly Clashes Erupt In ISIS Stronghold Of Fallujah

The beating of a woman has led to an insurrection by Sunni tribesmen in the Iraqi city of Fallujah. Anti-ISIS fighters fought with militants after a local woman was targeted by the extremists for not wearing the right garb and showing some skin on her hands. NBC reports: “The clashes started when tens of Fallujah men stood against ISIS militants who started to beat a woman in a Fallujah market because she was not wearing gloves,” said Sabah Karhoot, the chairman of the governing council of Anbar province where the city is located.
