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Turkish President Erdogan Accuses U.S. Of Arming Kurdish ‘Terrorists’

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has accused the U.S. of arming “terrorists” who recently carried out a deadly suicide bombing in the heart of the capital Ankara on Wednesday. The Turkish President blames the Kurdish rebel group YPG- who have been defending their territories in Syria from the Islamic State/ISIS terrorists and who have been under attack by Turkish military- for Wednesday’s deadly suicide attack in Ankara, and accuses Barack Obama of arming them.

Donald Trump Will Look Into 9/11 & Iraq War When President

Last night during an interview on CNN with Anderson Cooper, the Republican front-runner Donald Trump said that former president George W. Bush lied about WMD’s in Iraq and initiated the Iraq war under false pretenses. If Donald Trump occupies the White House he says he will look into the events of 9/11 and why the Bush administration started the Iraq War to get rid of Saddam Hussein. The decision to go to war in Iraq was the worst decision ever made in history, period, according to Donald Trump.

The Media Are Misleading The Public About Syria

The Syrian war will, or at least should be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press. Coverage about the carnage in the ancient city of Aleppo is the latest reason why. There are one or two notable exceptions including this excellent report by Stephen Kinzer via Boston Globe: For three years, violent militants have run Aleppo. Their rule began with a wave of repression. They posted notices warning residents: “Don’t send your children to school.
