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Turkey Will "Definitely" Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of "War Crimes"

Turkey Will "Definitely" Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of "War Crimes"

Turkey shelled Syria for a fourth consecutive day on Tuesday as Ankara steps up efforts to bolster rebels in the face of an advance by the Kurdish YPG. “As many as 150 terrorists were killed during the 4-day-long shelling targeting PYD points,” the pro-government Yeni Safak wrote today, adding that “the PYD, backed by both the US and Russia, is working with President Bashar al-Assad to control areas along the Turkish border.”

Ukraine Is About To Declare War On Russia

Ukrainian authorities have said that the country needs to prepare for an imminent war between Russia and Ukraine, and have appealed to the international community to support the country militarily. An official from the Trilateral Contact Group told reporters:  “We can ask for help, and we need to get ready for a serious and long-term confrontation with Russia“. “One should call it the way we see it. Why?

Turkish Leader Caught Using ISIS Militants To Kill Kurds In Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been caught funding ISIS militants in order to advance his Middle East agenda to kill Kurds in Syria, a Turkish MP has revealed.  “Erdogan uses ISIS [Islamic State/IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL] against the Kurds. He can’t send the Turkish Army directly to Syrian Kurdistan, but he can use ISIS as an instrument against the Kurds. He has a greater Ottoman Empire in his mind, that’s his dream, while ISIS is one of the instruments [to achieve it],” Selma Irmak, a Turkish MP from the Peace and Democracy Party told the Russian media on Monday. .

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Car Bomb In Russia’s Dagestan

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a suicide car bomb at a police checkpoint in the southern Russian Republic of Dagestan. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) has announced that two policemen were killed and 17 injured by a local ISIS affiliated terrorist group near Derbent. Russia Today reports: Reports say a Lada Priora approached the checkpoint and the bomb was detonated. It was later determined that a police officer pulled the driver over to check their papers. Witnesses say this is when they heard a powerful blast.
