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Turkey Vows "Harshest Reaction" To Kurdish Advance In Syria As Missiles Hit Hospitals, School

Turkey Vows "Harshest Reaction" To Kurdish Advance In Syria As Missiles Hit Hospitals, School

Over the weekend, the biggest story in the geopolitical world was Turkey’s escalation in Syria.

With the Sunni-backed opposition on its last legs in Aleppo and under near constant bombardment by Russia from the air and Hezbollah on the ground, Ankara and Riyadh have a decision to make: intervene or allow the rebellion to be crushed.

Trump and the South Carolina Debate

The ninth Republican debate was the most vitriolic and angry one we’ve seen so far this cycle. Trump went after Cruz, Rubio, and Bush, and all of them directed most of their attacks against him for what seemed like the first time. The audience was packed with party regulars, who obsequiously cheered whatever Rubio and Bush said while loudly booing Trump. They were pretty clearly not representative of the South Carolina voters that will go to the polls at the end of the week. The biggest clash came between Trump, Bush, and Rubio over the Iraq war, 9/11, and George W.

Washington's Dismal Comedy Of Terrors - When In Doubt Bomb Syria

Submitted by Jeffrey St.Clair via,

Poor ISIS. Try as they might, the men in black still can’t out-terrorize their enemies or, more pointedly, even their patrons. For the past three years, decapitations have served as the money shots for ISIS’s theater of cruelty. Then on New Year’s Day the Saudis upstaged ISIS by audaciously chopping off the heads of 47 men, including a prominent Shia cleric.

Paul Craig Roberts: The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria

The Neoconservatives are brewing a wider war in Syria. Paul Craig Roberts: While you are enjoying your Sunday, the insane neoconservatives who control Western foreign policy and their Turkish and Saudi Arabian vassals might be preparing the end of the world. Any person who relies on Western media has no accurate idea of what is happening in Syria. I will provide a brief summary and then send you to two detailed accounts. The neoconservative Obama regime set-up the Syrian government headed by Assad for overthrow.

Saudi Arabia Establishes Joint Operations HQ With Turkey To Invade Syria

Saudi Arabia has set up a Joint Operations HQ with Turkey in anticipation of an invasion and are boasting that the Russians will fail to protect Syria’s President Bashar al Assad. As the Turkish army enters Syria, Saudi Arabia steps up the rhetoric by threatening an invasion of Syria, a country that has been ravaged by years of civil war following the Arab Revolution of 2011. Syria is now under the protection of one of the world’s most formidable defenses, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, following an invitation by its president for help in the global war against terror.
