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Would The Establishment Allow Bernie Sanders To Be President?

Bernie Sanders looks to be a real contender for the U.S. Presidency after facing off his rivals in a few debates and revealing to the public his anti-establishment credentials and his lifelong fight for justice. He has galvanized an otherwise improvised electorate with his modern way of crowd sourcing his electoral campaign and in return promising real and tangible returns for 99% of Americans. Jacob G.

Russia Says Turkey Is Planning Military Invasion In Syria

The Russian Defense Ministry said that developments on the Turkish-Syrian border have given them serious grounds to suspect that Turkey is planning a military invasion in Syria. Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told journalists: “We have good reasons to believe that Turkey is actively preparing for a military invasion of a sovereign state – the Syrian Arab Republic.

Closing In: Russia, Iran, Assad "Encircle" Syria's Largest City As Peace Talks Collapse In Geneva

Closing In: Russia, Iran, Assad "Encircle" Syria's Largest City As Peace Talks Collapse In Geneva

Back in October, we previewed the “promised” battle for Aleppo, Syria’s largest city prior to the war.

By the time Russia began constructing an air base at Latakia, the city - which is immensely important both from a strategic and psychological perspective - was controlled by a hodgepodge of rebels and militants including al-Qaeda, the Free Syrian Army, and ISIS.

US Navy Arrive In Japan Ahead Of North Korea Missile Launch

A US Navy missile tracking ship, USNS Howard O, Lorenzen, has arrived in Japan ahead of North Korea launching a missile test.  Japanese military officials have said that they are prepared to shoot down any missile test that threatens Japan coming from North Korea. reports: US Navy officials have not given a reason for the Lorenzen’s docking at Sasebo.

Russia And Assad Deliver Military Blow To Turkey

Turkey’s supply line to opposition groups operating in and around Aleppo has been cut off due to Russian airstrikes and pro-government forces weakening rebel groups.  Russian airstrikes across northern Syria has driven the epicenter of war towards the north of Aleppo following Turkey’s shooting down of its warplane last year. At the same time pro-government forces have broken a rebel siege of two villages in the north, cutting Turkey’s supply line to opposition groups.
