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Yemen as Vietnam or Afghanistan

From the Archive: With U.S. weapons, Saudi Arabia is waging a brutal air war on impoverished Yemen, turning a long-simmering civil war into a proxy fight with regional rival Iran, a scenario that reminded retired U.S. emissary William R. Polk of his work for President Kennedy on an earlier Yemeni war. By William R. Polk (Originally published…

20 Dead, 200 Hospitalized After Reports US Lab "Leaks" Deadly Virus In Ukraine

Amid the so-called "ceasefire" in Ukraine, yet ongoing shelling in many regions, the Donbass news agency reports that more than 20 Ukrainian solders have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalized after an apparent leak of a deadly virus called "California Flu" from a US lab near the city of Kharkov.


As Donbass News International reports,

New ISIS Video Features Paris Attackers: “Britain Will Be Next”

A newly released video by ISIS titled “Kill Them Wherever You Find Them,” threatens the UK with a Paris style attack. The video purports to feature eight of the Paris attackers, including Abdelhamid Abaaoud.  The video shows the attackers killing ISIS prisoners, proving that Paris attackers spent time being radicalized by ISIS in Iraq and Syria before the November 13 attacks. The video ends on a coded message encrypted using PGP (Pretty Great Privacy) a data encryption and decryption computer programme. They have challenged the world to decrypt it before their next attack.

New York Times Exposes How Saudi Arabia Funded CIA Black Ops

The U.S. government have been secretly colluding with Saudi Arabia who have funded the CIA’s “black op” programs in Syria.  A New York Times investigation has found that President Obama authorised the CIA to arm Syrian rebels in 2013 with money and weapons from the brutal Saudi Arabian regime. reports: Code-named Timber Sycamore, the clandestine operation initially authorized the CIA to provide nonlethal assistance and training to the rebels but not weapons.
