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War Against ISIS A ‘Hoax Created By USA’, Claims Expert

The US war against ISIS and other terrorist organisation is “a total hoax” due to the fact that Washington created these organisations in order to implement it’s policy in the Middle East, a political analyst has claimed.  Writer and analyst Stephen Lendman says American’s role in the Middle East is to destabilize and devastate its populations, and has absolutely nothing to do with destroying fake terrorist organisations such as ISIS and al-Qaeda. “America’s so-called war on terrorism is a total hoax.

U.S. Announces Plans To Invade Libya

The United States have announced plans to potentially invade Libya, citing the threat ISIS expanding into the North African nation as justification. Washington said that “decisive military action” is needed in order to wipe out ISIS militants in Libya. US General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the New York Times, “It’s fair to say that we’re looking to take decisive military action against [Daesh] in conjunction with the political process in Libya. The president has made clear that we have the authority to use military force“.

Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama

Submitted by Ron Holland via,

The world press is filled with violence and sexual attack horror stories about the Islamic refugees escaping from Syria and other war torn countries of the Middle East to Greece and consequently flooding into all areas of Europe. It is actually very easy to travel from Syria to Lebanon and then take the ferry to Turkey and from there to Greece and subsequently the mainland overland to Europe. This is now big business organized like a one-way tour package from the Middle East to Europe.

John Kerry Can't Understand Why Hezbollah Needs "80,000 Rockets"

John Kerry Can't Understand Why Hezbollah Needs "80,000 Rockets"

As those who follow Syria’s seemingly intractable civil war are no doubt aware, Washington is a big part of why the conflict is now going into its sixth year.

What began as a plan to destabilize the Alawite government by “playing on Sunni fears of Iranian influence” (to quote a leaked diplomatic cable from then-Deputy Chief of Mission in Syria William Roebuck) gradually metamorphosed into a overt and at times absurd effort to arm and train a series of rebel groups in an attempt to bring about regime change in Damascus.
