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Queen Elizabeth Promises To ‘Take Back America’ If Trump Elected

Queen Elizabeth has promised her subjects that she will authorize the UK to invade of the United States of America if Donald Trump is elected President in November 2016.  Buckingham Palace released a statement from her Majesty, saying “Should Mr Trump be elected we will take back America by force and place it once again under colonial rule“. The D.C.

Refugee Crisis: Police Officer Admits ‘We Can’t Arrest Them’

A German police officer has revealed that law enforcement are unable to arrest refugees amid a violent refugee crisis in Germany.  The officer, referred to as  Bernd K., said many incidents involving excessive violence, sexual assaults and racism by refugees are being kept a secret by the government. “At first, mostly families with children – who looked educated and spoke English – were coming here,” the officer said.

Putin Orders 100,000 Troops With Atomic Weapons To Prepare For NATO

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an order authorizing the deployment of 100,000 Russian troops to the Western Front, equipped with atomic weapons, to prepare for an expected counter-attack by NATO forces due to Russia’s nuclear strike against CERN in Switzerland.  NATO are expected to counter Russia’s efforts to obliterate CERN’s underground research site, who the Kremlin say have successfully unlocked “interdimensional communication and travel”.
