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Paris Cancels NYE Celebrations Due To Terror Fears

Authorities in Paris cancelled New Year’s Eve celebrations on Thursday night amid fears of further terror attacks, copying Brussels example after they also cancelled NYE festivities.  Traditional fireworks displays normally seen in the French capital were scrapped in favour of a five-minute video performance of the Arc de Triomphe in the countdown to midnight, playing on screens along the Champs Elysees, surrounded by heightened security.

German Police Evacuate Munich Train Stations, Warn Of Imminent Terrorist Attack

Munich police have evacuated two train stations in the Germany city of Munich and issued a statement warning citizens of an imminent terrorist attack.

As BNO News reports,

Iran Denies Firing Rockets Near US Aircraft Carrier In Persian Gulf

Calling the allegation an act of “psychological warfare”, Tehran officially denied that its Revolutionary Guards’ patrol vessel launched rockets in close proximity to the USS Harry S. Truman and its convoy entering the Persian Gulf. It had been reported that the US aircraft carrier was intimidated after missiles were test fired from an Iranian patrol vessel on Saturday with the U.S. military accusing Iran of “highly provocative” actions.
