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Meet the Sultan of Civil War

This new civil war chapter offers a window of opportunity for a really serious power player -- as Erdogan, foolishly, now fights on two fronts, internal (Kurds) and external (Moscow). Sooner or later Moscow's support for the YPG Syrian Kurds may translate into decisive support for the PKK inside Turkey. Erdogan's civil war strategy leads to a dead end.

Commander Reveals US Plot To Evacuate ISIL Leaders From Ramadi

The U.S. is accused of delaying an Iraqi army victory against ISIL in Ramadi and Falloujah. The delay is allegedly to help the U.S. evacuate top ISIL leaders and move them out of the area. Fars News Agency reports: A commander of volunteer forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) disclosed the US plots to evacuate ISIL leaders from the city of Ramadi as Iraqi army and popular troops are completing victory over the terrorist group.

A Christmas Message of Peace

Despite the commercialism of Christmas, some positive messages break through, often in movie classics, such as Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” and Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol.” But another entry should be “Joyeux Noel,” a movie about the soldiers’ Christmas truce in 1914, writes Gary G. Kohls. By Gary G. Kohls On Christmas Eve,…
