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Election 2016: Let's Stop Negotiating With Terrorists

When we think of terrorism, we usually envision a suicide bomber or a mass shooter or perhaps someone who hijacks a plane and flies it into a skyscraper. But there's another, even more dangerous, kind of terrorist: The terrorist who exploits such acts for political gain. Last week's attack in San Bernardino is bringing the latter kind of terrorist out of the woodwork.

Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Six Mistakes on the Road to Permanent War

Oh, no! Not another American war against evil! This time, it's the Islamic State (IS). After the attacks in Paris, Barack Obama, spokesman-in-chief for the United States of America, called that crew "the face of evil." Shades of George W. Bush. The "evildoers" are back. And from every mountaintop, it seems, America now rings with calls to ramp up its war machine.
