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Did The Putin/Assad Meeting Cement The End Of America's Mid-East Dominance?

Did The Putin/Assad Meeting Cement The End Of America's Mid-East Dominance?

Authored by Tom Luongo,

I’m not a terribly religious man.  But, I’d like to believe there is a special corner in Hell reserved for those that fomented the Syrian Civil War.

From its beginnings in Libya with gun-funneling through the U.S. embassy in Benghazi to yesterday’s meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, this entire affair will be remembered as one of the most cynical and abusive periods of history.

Lebanon's "Odysseus" Hariri Returns To Beirut, Puts Resignation On Hold: What Comes Next?

Lebanon's "Odysseus" Hariri Returns To Beirut, Puts Resignation On Hold: What Comes Next?

Saad Hariri finally returned to Beirut late on Tuesday amid tight security after what was essentially a two week house arrest in Riyadh which began on November 4 after his resignation announcement in Saudi Arabia. Lebanese television aired live footage of the former prime ministers plane landing, though he left without addressing the expectant throng of journalists gathered at the airport.

Doomsday Scenarios: UK's Hair-Raising Admissions About Prospects Of Nuclear War (Or Accident)

Doomsday Scenarios: UK's Hair-Raising Admissions About Prospects Of Nuclear War (Or Accident)

Authored by T J Coles via,

The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has published several reports over the last few years. They discuss geopolitics and related themes, one of which is the likelihood of nuclear war or accident, including what it means for long-term survival.

Faux Outrage: Reuters Says Tillerson Violating "Child Soldier Laws"; Ignores Same Policies Under Clinton-Obama

Faux Outrage: Reuters Says Tillerson Violating "Child Soldier Laws"; Ignores Same Policies Under Clinton-Obama

Late last night, Reuters published an "exclusive" report which was undoubtedly intended to be a "gotcha" hit piece on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, courtesy of some disgruntled Obama/Clinton holdovers at the State Department.  The report from Reuters came after they got their hands on a confidential "dissent" memo, signed by " a dozen U.S. State Department officials" accusing Tillerson of violating the "Child Soldiers Prevention Act."  Here's a summary from Reuters:

US Airstrike In Somalia Kills More Than 100 al-Shabab Militants

More than 100 al-Shabaab militants were killed Tuesday in the latest US airstrike in Somalia the Pentagon announced, the latest in a series of strikes against the al Qaeda affiliated group and ISIS fighters in the war-torn country meant to support the local government. The strike occurred 125 miles northwest of the capital of Mogadishu, and was the 29th such strike since the start of 2017, and 7th since November 9.

The Pentagon released the following statement commemorating the latest airstrike: 
