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Nasrallah Accuses US Of "Daesh Conspiracy" As Feared 'Tehran-To-Beirut Land Bridge' Is Established

Nasrallah Accuses US Of "Daesh Conspiracy" As Feared 'Tehran-To-Beirut Land Bridge' Is Established

Washington's past decade of Syria policy has been driven by fears of the so-called "Shia crescent" or Iranian land bridge which would conceivably connect Tehran with the Mediterranean in a continuous arch of influence. With events rapidly unfolding in Iraq and Syria, foremost among them the defeat of ISIS and the connection of Syrian and Iraqi national forces at the shared border, that land bridge has now been established for the first time in recent history. 

Libyan Slave Markets Create Diplomatic Storm In Africa, UN Security Council To Meet

Libyan Slave Markets Create Diplomatic Storm In Africa, UN Security Council To Meet

Anti-slavery protests continued across various world capitals this week, especially in countries across Africa, after earlier protests in France got violent when police used tear gas and other riot control tactics on a crowed of more than one thousand outside of the Libyan embassy in Paris. The protests are in response to last week's widespread reports of slave markets operating in various cities across Libya, and look to continue as according to Reuters a major rally is set to take place in London later this week. 

Putin Calls On All "Large-Scale Enterprise" To Be Ready To Convert To "Military Production"

Putin Calls On All "Large-Scale Enterprise" To Be Ready To Convert To "Military Production"

Be it a sudden surge in the effectiveness of Russia's international espionage and cyber warfare operations or a mere figment of the imaginations of a frightening group of politicians in the West who fear they're slowly losing control over the masses in their respective countries, one thing is certain, Russia is increasingly being blamed for some very serious "meddling" in foreign affairs. 

Did The Putin/Assad Meeting Cement The End Of America's Mid-East Dominance?

Did The Putin/Assad Meeting Cement The End Of America's Mid-East Dominance?

Authored by Tom Luongo,

I’m not a terribly religious man.  But, I’d like to believe there is a special corner in Hell reserved for those that fomented the Syrian Civil War.

From its beginnings in Libya with gun-funneling through the U.S. embassy in Benghazi to yesterday’s meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, this entire affair will be remembered as one of the most cynical and abusive periods of history.
