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Israeli Tank Fires On Syrian Targets After "Violation Of 1974 Ceasefire"

Israeli Tank Fires On Syrian Targets After "Violation Of 1974 Ceasefire"

Two weeks after a "secret" Israeli military cable leaked, indicating coordination between Israel and Saudi Arabia over Syria and constituting the first formal proof that the Saudis and Israelis are deliberately coordinating to escalate the situation in the Middle East, by using Syria as a false flag scapegoat, moments ago the IDF announced that an Israeli tank had fired upon Syrian army positions near the Israeli border in the Golan Heights on Sunday, following what the IDF called a "violation of the 1974 ceasefire."

Erdogan Rejects NATO Apology: "There Can Be No Alliance Like That"

Erdogan Rejects NATO Apology: "There Can Be No Alliance Like That"

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is refusing to let NATO off the hook for an inadvertent yet insulting gesture that prompted him to remove 40 Turkish troops from a joint military exercise in Norway.

Russia Today reports that Erdogan has rebuffed a NATO apology for what he called “impudence” after his name was included on an “enemies chart” shared with military officials participating in the exercises. Erdogan’s name was reportedly included alongside a photo of Turkish founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
