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In First Shocking Interview Since Resignation, Hariri Lashes Out At Iran, Hezbollah

In First Shocking Interview Since Resignation, Hariri Lashes Out At Iran, Hezbollah

Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri just concluded his first interview since what appears to be his forced resignation after landing in Saudi Arabia a week ago which began what many describe as a house arrest. "I was at my home [in Saudi] and not The Ritz," he explained during what regional outlets are describing as a very carefully controlled and choreographed interview.

Behold The Saudi Plunge Protection Team

Behold The Saudi Plunge Protection Team

Amid all of the chaos, coups, and corruption crackdowns in Saudi Arabia, and with declarations of war being dropped like confetti, the Tadawul All-Share Index is barely lower...

We first pointed out the 'odd' appearance of a panic-buyer in Saudi stocks just two days after the chaos erupted. But it has now been a week and it seems someone is extremely keen to keep up appearances that all is well in the 'market' for Saudi stocks....


Arab League To Hold Urgent Meeting On Iran As Saudis Reportedly Mobilize Fighter Jets

Arab League To Hold Urgent Meeting On Iran As Saudis Reportedly Mobilize Fighter Jets

The Arab League is set to hold an emergency meeting on Iran at Saudi Arabia's request, this according to Reuters and various regional sources, at a moment when Saudi fighter jets may be mobilizing for war in an attempted show of force. Egypt-based Ahram Online also reports further that the meeting will discuss "Iranian interference" in the region at League headquarters in Cairo, and other early unconfirmed reports indicate the meeting could come as early as next Sunday.

DHS Warns That "Weaponized Drones" Are A Serious Terror Risk

DHS Warns That "Weaponized Drones" Are A Serious Terror Risk

In what appears to be an expertly timed exercise in fearmongering less than two weeks after the horrifying Halloween terror attack in lower Manhattan - the deadliest attack in America’s financial center since 9/11 - the Department of Homeland Security has issued a bulletin warning the public about the risk of drones being used to facilitate acts of terrorism.
