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Trump Defends Saudi Actions: "Some Have Been Milking Their Country For Years"

Trump Defends Saudi Actions: "Some Have Been Milking Their Country For Years"

President Trump is up bright and early in Asia this morning and just unleashed two rather pointed tweets in the direction of Saudi Arabia.

Having commented during the day on the success of America's missile-defense system in the attack on Riyadh that was intercepted, President Trump had been quiet on the 'civil war' going on among the elites... until now:

I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing....

Trump Asks For $4 Billion To Beef Up US Missile-Defense Systems

Trump Asks For $4 Billion To Beef Up US Missile-Defense Systems

President Donald Trump is preparing to head to South Korea where he will meet with the country’s president (and purported “fine gentleman”) Moon Jae-in to strategize about their simmering standoff with North Korea. Meanwhile, back home, his allies in Congress are carrying out his instructions to request another $4 billion to expand the US’s missile-defense capabilities in the face of the growing threat from the North.


Why The Catalan Independence Movement Is Failing

Why The Catalan Independence Movement Is Failing


The Catalan fight for independence is not how conflicts are fought throughout history, let alone how they are won.

Some movements for national independence have succeeded in history, others have not. Presently, it seems that the Catalan bid is destined to fail. Maybe in the future Catalans will change their strategy and achieve their goal, but at the moment of writing the Catalan independence movement can be described as a storm in a teacup.

Pentagon Says Securing North Korean Nuclear Sites Would Require "Ground Invasion"

Pentagon Says Securing North Korean Nuclear Sites Would Require "Ground Invasion"

With President Donald Trump arriving in Japan today to kick off a 10-day Asia tour, the Washington Post is reporting that the only way to locate and secure all of North Korea’s nuclear weapons sites “with complete certainty” would be a ground invasion, and in the event of conflict, Pyongyang could use biological and chemical weapons, the Pentagon told lawmakers in a newly released assessment of what war on the Korean Peninsula might look like.
