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All Of Iraq About To Be Liberated As ISIS Enters The Dustbin Of History

All Of Iraq About To Be Liberated As ISIS Enters The Dustbin Of History

Submitted by Elijah Magnier, Middle East based chief international war correspondent for Al Rai Media

Iraqi forces continue to advance on al-Qaem, the last "Islamic State" (ISIS) stronghold in Iraq, which will put the last stone over the terrorist group’s grave and on the so-called “Islamic State Caliphate” that so much occupied the world’s headlines over the last few years and indeed, large parts of Iraqi and Syrian territories.

Watch This Orwellian Pentagon Briefing On Syria: "Over 4000 Troops... No, Sorry... Just 500..."

Watch This Orwellian Pentagon Briefing On Syria: "Over 4000 Troops... No, Sorry... Just 500..."

Whether it's the Middle East, Africa, or Eastern Europe, the familiar pattern of American military expansion goes something like this: first we are promised that US troops are merely in a country for limited "training" missions with "partner" forces; next we are told of "counter-terror" operations which require an increased "footprint"; after which we are assured once again that there are "no boots on the ground" but a "minimal" increase of train and assist missions; finally, US soldiers begin to come home in body bags at which point the 9/11 era AUMF is cynically invoked (Authorization For
